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Is cheese OK to eat with braces?

Braces are a popular orthodontic treatment that helps fix dental issues like overcrowding, overbite, underbite or malocclusion. For many patients undergoing this treatment, one of the primary concerns is figuring out what foods they can and cannot eat with braces.

Dairy is one food group that is often a cause of confusion – can you eat cheese with braces? The short answer is yes. Cheese is a great source of calcium and protein and has health benefits for your teeth and bones. In this blog post, we will discuss why cheese is a safe and healthy choice for people wearing braces.

Cheese is Soft and Non-sticky

One of the biggest concerns for people with braces is avoiding hard, sticky, and crunchy foods that can damage the brackets, wires, or elastic bands of the braces. Thankfully, cheese is neither hard nor sticky, and it is generally safe to eat with braces. Cheese is soft and pliable, making it easy to chew and swallow, and it doesn’t stick to the braces or teeth.

Cheese is High in Calcium and Protein

Cheese is a dairy product that is rich in calcium and protein, which are essential nutrients for strong and healthy teeth and bones. Calcium is necessary for the formation and maintenance of tooth enamel, which is the first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities. Protein, on the other hand, is responsible for repairing and rebuilding tissues in the body, including the gums and bones that support the teeth. Eating cheese as a part of a balanced diet can help prevent tooth decay, strengthen the enamel, and promote healthy gum tissue.

The Benefits of Cheese for Your Teeth

Apart from being a safe food choice for people with braces, cheese has several other benefits for your teeth and oral health. Here are a few reasons why you should include cheese in your diet:

1. Cheese Helps Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by the buildup of plaque on the surface of teeth, which is a sticky film of bacteria and food debris. When left unchecked, the acid produced by the bacteria in plaque can erode the enamel and lead to cavities. Cheese is low in carbohydrates, which means it doesn’t contribute to the formation of plaque. Additionally, it neutralizes the acid in the mouth, which can help prevent tooth decay.

2. Cheese Remineralizes and Strengthens Tooth Enamel

As we mentioned earlier, cheese is an excellent source of calcium, which is a mineral that makes up a significant portion of tooth enamel. Eating cheese can help remineralize and strengthen the enamel, making it more resistant to decay.

3. Cheese Stimulates Saliva Production

Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health. It helps neutralize the acid in the mouth, washes away food particles and debris, and remineralizes the teeth. Eating cheese can stimulate the production of saliva, which can help prevent dry mouth and promote better oral health.

Cheese Varieties that are Safe to Eat with Braces

When it comes to eating cheese with braces, you need to choose types that are soft, non-sticky, and easy to chew. Here’s a list of cheese varieties that are safe for people with braces:

1. Soft Cheeses

Soft cheeses like cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta, and brie are all very safe options to consume with braces. They have a smooth texture that is very gentle on your braces and soft enough to prevent any damage.

2. Semi-Soft Cheeses

Semi-soft cheeses like gouda, Edam, Colby, and Monterey Jack have a little more texture than soft cheese, but still gentle enough on braces to enjoy. They are less likely to get caught in wires or lock brackets in place.

3. Hard Cheeses

Hard cheeses like Parmesan or Cheddar have a more firm texture which can make them more appealing to eat for a less than mobile mouth. While they can require more chewing and effort to eat, they won’t harm braces or brackets in the process.


In summary, cheese is an excellent food choice for people wearing braces. It is safe, easy to chew, and offers numerous health benefits for your teeth and gums. Cheese is high in calcium and protein, which can help strengthen the enamel, remineralize teeth, and repair tissues in your mouth. Remember to pick soft cheeses that won’t damage your braces, and always maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly to ensure your teeth stay in good health.


Can someone with braces eat cheese?

When one gets braces, it is important to maintain a proper diet to avoid damaging the braces and prolonging the treatment period. Many people may wonder if they can eat cheese with braces, and the answer to this question is yes, as long as the cheese is soft.

Cheese is an excellent source of calcium needed to strengthen teeth and bones. It is also a great nutritional source of other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and phosphorus, which are essential for dental and overall health.

However, people with braces should avoid hard cheeses that they may need to bite on, such as cheddar or Swiss cheese. Instead, they should opt for softer kinds of cheese such as mozzarella or brie, which are less likely to cause damage to the braces.

It is also important to take note that cheese that is served hot is not recommended to be eaten as it might get stuck in the braces and suggest that you wait for the cheese to cool down first before eating it.

People with braces can eat cheese, but they should avoid hard cheeses and opt for softer kinds of cheese. By following a healthy diet and making sure to clean their braces and teeth regularly, people with braces can enjoy all the nutritional benefits of cheese without damaging their orthodontic treatment.

What are some soft cheeses?

When it comes to cheese, there are countless variations and types to choose from. One of the broad categories of cheese is soft cheese, which is a type of cheese that is smooth, creamy, and mild in flavor.

One popular type of soft cheese is Brie. Brie is a French cheese made from cow’s milk that is known for its soft, gooey texture and earthy flavor. Brie is a versatile cheese that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from baked appetizers to sandwiches.

Another type of soft cheese is feta. Feta is a Greek cheese made from sheep’s milk or a blend of sheep’s and goat’s milk. It has a crumbly texture and a tangy, salty flavor that pairs well with savory dishes like salads and sandwiches.

Ricotta is another soft cheese that is commonly used in Italian cuisine. Ricotta is made from the whey leftover from other cheese-making processes, and has a mild, slightly sweet flavor. It is often used in dishes like lasagna, as well as in desserts like cannoli.

Cream cheese is a soft, spreadable cheese that is popular in the United States. It is often used as a topping for bagels, or as a dip for crackers and vegetables.

Camembert is a French cheese that is similar to Brie, but has a stronger, more pungent flavor. It is often eaten on its own as a dessert cheese, or used in savory dishes like omelets and quiches.

Chevre is a type of soft cheese made from goat’s milk. It has a tangy, slightly sour flavor and a crumbly texture. Chevre is often used in salads and sandwiches, or spread on crackers as an appetizer.

Roquefort and gorgonzola are two types of blue-veined cheese that are sometimes classified as soft cheeses. These cheeses have a strong, pungent flavor that is not for everyone, but can be a delicious addition to salads and pasta dishes.

Soft cheeses are a diverse and delicious category of cheese that can be used in a wide range of dishes. Whether you prefer mild, creamy cheese like Brie, or tangy, crumbly cheese like feta, there is sure to be a soft cheese that suits your palate.